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Shares Stock Market Forecast Predictions Graphs Services using Astrology by Astro-Stock-Forecast Software by Dr. Rajiv C. Karekar : The Holy Grail, the Ultimate Edge for Traders trading in Nifty, Sensex, Dow index, indices, futures, options, cash, IPO, commodities at NSE, BSE, NYSE or other Stock Exchanges.Articles : Trading / Financial Astrology
IPO Launch When? You must have observed that some of the IPOs when listed go phenomenally up in their first few trading days of their listing and some unfortunately do the reverse. You can imagine the emotional states of the promoters and IPO investors in these cases! The life of anything (including the Company) is cyclical. The overall long-term course is of-course dependant on Companies Incorporation Date. However it's short-term cyclical course can be of immense help if one knows it in advance in case the IPO launch. I will explain this with following diagram. Suppose following is the Astro-Stock-Forecast astrological Graph of the Company around the date of it's IPO launch. As one can see if the IPO was launched (first trade date) at A, C and E would have faced immediate short term gross depreciation in it's share price. On the contrary, if the IPO was launched (first trade date) at B, D and F would have faced immediate short term gross appreciation in it's share price. Though IPO launch (first trade date) at F seems to be the best! This is precisely the advantage of knowing it in advance astrologically.
Now let us see an example illustration case study AGRE (Agre Devlopers Ltd.) IPO Case Study
The Company Incorporation
Date : October 4, 2010 The Astro-Stock-Forecast astrological Graph for the Company is given above. From the graph one can see easily that the IPO first trade was at the graph's top and hence it came down heavily immediately after it's launch!. (For the investors who have held on this decline, there is a good news that there is good period ahead of 8 March 2011. If the launch was deferred by about 3 months would have been better!)
Now let us see another example ... BEDMUTHA (BEDMUTHA INDUSTRIES LIMITED) IPO Case Study
The Company Natal Date :
November 18, 2009 The Astro-Stock-Forecast astrological Graph for the Company is given below. In the Graph above the Candle-stick is the actual price graph and Blue and Black lines are the Predictive Graphs. The Spike i.e. immediate surge after listing and then sudden collapse just after few days was clearly predicted in the Prediction Graph.